8 in 10 supported charities over the Christmas period despite festive cutbacks

As 2024 drew to a close, elephant conducted annual research to explore UK consumer priorities with their money for the festive period.
January 2, 2025

Despite many still feel­ing the effects of the cost of liv­ing cri­sis, 82% of adults said they sup­port­ed a char­i­ty over the fes­tive peri­od. Top choic­es this year focus­es on caus­es clos­er to home – with food banks (28%) and home­less char­i­ties (22%) com­ing top for support.

More broad­ly look­ing at fes­tive spend­ing, 42% took on debt in some form to pay for Christ­mas – up from 36% in 2022, and 31% ten years ago in 2014. Based on pre­vi­ous years research, typ­i­cal­ly only around 15% clear their fes­tive debts prompt­ly a month or two after Christmas.

A full insight report on con­sumer finances will be pub­lished lat­er in Jan­u­ary 2025. Do get in touch for more information.