Consumers cite lack of business leadership on climate change

Around 60% of UK consumers can’t think of a brand they admire as going the extra mile to tackle the climate emergency and supporting sustainability issues generally.
May 22, 2024

A new piece of ele­phant-com­mis­sioned research explored how con­sumers rat­ed brands from 20 indus­try sec­tors in terms of their per­ceived response to the cli­mate emer­gency. In terms of brands tak­ing a lead­er­ship stance, con­sumers were most like­ly to rate super­mar­kets and char­i­ties as the two sec­tors where they felt brands were going the extra mile to make a pos­i­tive difference.

On the flip side, around 70% of adults felt there was cor­po­rate green wash­ing across a num­ber of the sec­tors sur­veyed. In many sec­tors, con­sumers felt there was a lack of sin­cer­i­ty regard­ing the per­ceived stance on cli­mate change.

The ele­phant study want­ed to cap­ture a snap­shot on how con­sumers rat­ed the brands they dealt with. The assess­ment com­pared results by sec­tor to give a the­mat­ic impres­sion and a sense of sec­tor com­par­i­son. The full report will be out in June.