The big bets for securing economic recovery

35% of consumers think a new government should invest in the high street to support economic recovery
June 10, 2024

In the last week, the ele­phant team has com­mis­sioned a wide-rang­ing piece of con­sumer and busi­ness research, explor­ing what peo­ple want from a new gov­ern­ment. We asked a wide range of ques­tions span­ning a broad range of top­ics in order to get a feel for the mood of the nation.

A num­ber of ques­tions looked at the top­ic of eco­nom­ic recov­ery – with one ques­tion ask­ing peo­ple in which areas they thought a new gov­ern­ment should pri­ori­tise its sup­port. Invest­ing in green and renew­able ener­gy topped the poll (37%) with more than a third of respon­dents also believ­ing an eco­nom­ic recov­ery could be sup­port­ed by a new gov­ern­ment invest­ing sup­port in the future of high street retail.

Hos­pi­tal­i­ty, agri­cul­ture and man­u­fac­tur­ing were also seen to be sec­tors were con­sumers felt invest­ment sup­port from a new gov­ern­ment would be important.

Over the next month, the ele­phant team will be run­ning Fri­day Zoom ses­sions for organ­i­sa­tions that would like a review of the full research findings.