elephant to support force of nature Sari Schorr

Building on its UK and international work in music and the arts, elephant communications has been called in to support Sari Schorr’s communications and media work.
February 2, 2024

Sari’s recent inter­view and live per­for­mance on Times Radio gave an insight into her excit­ing plans for the year ahead. 

With a five-octave range and a diverse vocal skill set, it is always the voice that intro­duces you to Sari Schorr. A cre­ative force of nature through music, pho­tog­ra­phy and the writ­ten word, Sari’s world is a place of resilience and tenac­i­ty. Sari is a firm believ­er in the endur­ing pow­er of the human con­di­tion to over­come any obsta­cle – and for music to be the force for uni­ty. Born in Queen’s New York, Sari began her craft work­ing the music scene in the South Bronx and on Manhattan’s Low­er East Side. Her rise has seen her per­form­ing at Carnegie Hall, sell­ing-out con­cert halls across Europe and head­lin­ing fes­ti­vals inter­na­tion­al­ly. Always trav­el­ling, Sari’s home is her suit­case – and her sim­ple life-affirm­ing voca­tion to per­form and inter­act with audi­ences spans con­ti­nents and cul­tures as her music stands as a uni­ver­sal lan­guage for pos­i­tiv­i­ty, hope and inclusion.

An artist in demand for col­lab­o­ra­tions, Sari thrives on artis­tic growth through excit­ing and inven­tive artis­tic part­ner­ships. In recent years, Sari has worked with Kiefer Suther­land, Robin Trow­er, The Sweet and King King to name but a few. Her belief in pos­i­tive col­lab­o­ra­tions extends to her long-stand­ing record­ing part­ner­ship with Hen­ning Gehrke, with whom she is record­ing her new third stu­dio album, due out in 2024.

Absorb­ing a spec­trum of cul­tures, coun­tries and view­points from her end­less tour­ing, Sari chan­nels her expe­ri­ences, beliefs and the lessons from the road into her song­writ­ing. With the life expe­ri­ences she has in her suit­case, Sari is set­ting a pos­i­tive agen­da and embrac­ing the pow­er of authen­tic music to heal the world’s divi­sions. Join the New Revolution.

Pho­to Cred­it: Jean Philippe Huguet