elephant’s Strategy Workshop re-vamped for 2024

In an ever-changing world of new communications tactics and approaches, some things never change.
October 13, 2023

Since incep­tion, elephant’s Strat­e­gy Work­shop Pro­gramme has helped hun­dreds of organ­i­sa­tions to revis­it and reap­praise their com­mu­ni­ca­tions plan­ning, trans­form­ing the focus and effec­tive­ness of com­mu­ni­ca­tions activ­i­ty to more close­ly sup­port core busi­ness and oper­a­tional goals. The plan­ning process which we cre­at­ed has earned plau­dits across all indus­try sec­tors and from com­pa­nies big and small. The work­shops are run over two of four ses­sions, and the struc­tured exer­cis­es and risk test­ing works as effec­tive­ly for clients today as it did 10 years ago.

With a new year around the cor­ner, we have made some enhance­ments to the work­shop exer­cis­es for 2024, to ensure the work­shop process ful­ly reflects the chang­ing media land­scape, the chal­leng­ing eco­nom­ic con­text and for 2024 the Strat­e­gy Work­shop can also go beyond media activ­i­ty to focus more broad­ly on inter­nal comms and stake­hold­er engage­ment in the round. 

For organ­i­sa­tions want­i­ng to fresh­en up or push think­ing for 2024, the ele­phant Strat­e­gy Work­shop is an ide­al tool to help organ­i­sa­tions plan with con­fi­dence, to test think­ing and draw on an evi­dence-based method­ol­o­gy to push boundaries.

For 2024, ele­phant will also be offer­ing a num­ber of pro bono work­shops to small busi­ness­es and part of the consultancy’s ongo­ing sup­port for new busi­ness start ups.