Finishing the year with hope for 2023

As we draw to the end of 2022, the elephant team would like to wish you and your loved ones a happy and restful Christmas.
December 20, 2022

As we reflect on 2022, the year start­ed with the world re-emerg­ing from Covid lock­down — only to expe­ri­ence war in Europe and now the chal­lenges of a seis­mic eco­nom­ic slow­down. Through all this, the cli­mate emer­gency remains a con­stant — with impor­tant issues still to be tack­led to pro­tect our world for future generations.

After a year that has brought hard­ship, suf­fer­ing and wor­ry to so many, here’s to a more peace­ful and pos­i­tive world in 2023 — a year for inno­va­tion, kind­ness and inclusion.