Orchestral week at elephant

Despite being a week of bleak economic forecasts, for the elephant team music has very much been the food of positivity over the last seven days.
August 5, 2022

In the last week, we kicked off our client sea­son at the Proms and on Sun­day morn­ing we attend­ed a breath-tak­ing per­for­mance at the Roy­al Albert Hall by the Ukrain­ian Free­dom Orches­tra. Set against a sea of blue and yel­low flags, it was a moment when music brought peo­ple togeth­er, a moment when pos­i­tiv­i­ty of music expres­sion and shared expe­ri­ence said more than a thou­sand words.

Dur­ing we week, we have been enjoy­ing Eng­lish orches­tral music and, with thanks to our friends at the Roy­al Phil­har­mon­ic Orches­tra, we have shared with clients, friends and part­ners more than 200 copies of a won­der­ful CD of Eng­lish string clas­sics. A thank you to the many guests that sup­port­ed our 10th anniver­sary at the end of April and, once again, here is music that brings a wel­come well­be­ing ton­ic to bright­en the day.

As we fin­ish the week, we have been updat­ing our new web­site. A 10th anniver­sary is a time for a refresh and we’ve added a short video from the recep­tion of our birth­day par­ty in Lon­don. It fea­tures the RPO on the evening when we cel­e­brat­ed a won­der­ful per­for­mance of A Lon­don Sym­pho­ny, played at the Roy­al Fes­ti­val Hall — the place where the ele­phant sto­ry start­ed 10 years ago. Full cir­cle (video link here https://​vimeo​.com/​7​1​2​0​3​3​661)

A week when orches­tral music has been the sound­track of our days. And a reminder of the impor­tant role that cul­ture and the arts play in our recov­ery from lock­down — not just in terms of the way it sup­ports well­be­ing, but also the eco­nom­ic con­tri­bu­tion a vibrant arts scene makes to the UK econ­o­my at large. Despite the inter­est rate hikes, despite ris­ing infla­tion and the cost-of-liv­ing cri­sis, music can remind us what’s right with the world; it can remind us of the endur­ing pos­i­tives of the human con­di­tion — and it has pow­er to remind us what we all have in common.

Explore the RPO’s new ‘Jour­neys of Dis­cov­ery’ sea­son here: https://​www​.rpo​.co​.uk

Check out the Ukrain­ian Free­dom Orches­tra here: https://​www​.eif​.co​.uk/​e​v​e​n​t​s​/​u​k​r​a​i​n​i​a​n​-​f​r​e​e​d​o​m​-​o​r​c​h​e​s​tra