Let them eat cake: Delicious 10th Anniversary Desserts for Scotland’s Wildfire Festival

A Scot­tish rock fes­ti­val at the high­est Inn in the UK. Leather and den­im-clad rock­ers indulging in fresh cream cakes. Not some­thing you see at your run-of-the-mill rock festival. At the start of July, music fans trav­elled from all over Scot­land, the UK and Europe to enjoy the land­mark 10th anniver­sary of Wild­fire Fes­ti­val, which takes […]
July 15, 2022
Wildfire Cakes

A Scot­tish rock fes­ti­val at the high­est Inn in the UK. Leather and den­im-clad rock­ers indulging in fresh cream cakes. Not some­thing you see at your run-of-the-mill rock festival.

At the start of July, music fans trav­elled from all over Scot­land, the UK and Europe to enjoy the land­mark 10th anniver­sary of Wild­fire Fes­ti­val, which takes over the his­toric moun­tain-top vil­lage of Wan­lock­head every year to show­case a new gen­er­a­tion of grass­roots music. So we con­nect­ed Wild­fire and The Deli­cious Dessert com­pa­ny and as the clock struck 2pm on the sec­ond day of the fes­ti­val, it was free cakes for every­one at the fes­ti­val as the trav­el­ling van from The Deli­cious Dessert Com­pa­ny com­plet­ed the 240-mile overnight dri­ve from Newark to Wan­lock­head. A day that proved that doing some­thing dif­fer­ent is good. Fes­ti­val goers, bands, Wan­lock­head Inn staff, pro­mot­ers and Wild­fire organ­is­ers all got a big sur­prise as free cream cakes were hand­ed out to cel­e­brate the even­t’s 10th birth­day.  A change from the fes­ti­val usu­als — such as beer, chips or burg­ers — as every­one enjoyed a sur­prise moment of joy, a lit­tle some­thing to mark Wild­fire’s birth­day and a thank you to every­one for mak­ing the jour­ney to Wanlockhead.