Worthy of a Fanfare

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Elephant anniversaries celebrated together
April 27, 2022

Last night, more than 100 guests joined us to cel­e­brate 10 years of ele­phant com­mu­ni­ca­tions at the Roy­al Fes­ti­val Hall. We ran the event with the RPO as part of their mile­stone anniver­sary. Fol­low­ing a won­der­ful drinks recep­tion, every­one enjoyed a superb RPO con­cert — and guests each left the event with a spe­cial­ly curat­ed col­lec­tion of orches­tral music from the RPO’s exten­sive record­ed archive.

Here are some pic­tures from the evening. After two years of Zoom and teams calls, there was a real sense of excite­ment for peo­ple to meet­ing in per­son after such a long time!